
Polynucleotides are an injectable form of regenerative medicine. It comes as a soft gel containing highly purified DNA molecules. These help to repair the tissue by stimulating fibroblasts, this in turn produces collagen, which in turn helps to smooth skin. It repairs DNA damage caused by external factors such as the sun and pollution, and and internal factors such as ageing and scarring. It improves the appearance of fine lines and crepey skin, and helps to hydrate and create some lift.

What benefits do polynucleotides give?

  • Repair tissue by stimulating fibroblasts
  • Encourages cell turnover
  • Improves elasticity
  • Boosts collagen production
  • Hydrates the skin
  • Heals scars
  • Calms inflammation including Rosacea
  • Improves pigmentation and skin tone
Tallent Medical Ipswich Polynucleotides

Where can polynucleotides be used?

Polynucleotides are usually injected in multiple tiny injections for each area, and can leave small blebs under the skin. In the tear trough area a cannula is usually used, which gives less bruising but potentially more swelling. It can be used to treat the face, neck, décolletage, hands, abdomen, knees and upper arms. The bumps and swelling can last for up to 48 hours, but bruising can be slightly longer. The treatment is usually best repeated after 1 month, and then lasts approximately 6 months.


Individual syringe 2ml £250 or £275 for tear trough
For more information or if you wish to book a consultation please contact Dr Tallent.